Ye gods! - you would think publishers using the iPad platform to produce magazines would finally get it, but here we go again.
Folks, it is *not* a fun experience to turn each page of a beautifully laid out photo magazine and have them come in blurry and then after a few seconds become clear. Surely you can do better than this. Why not have the next page render in the background while the previous one is being viewed?
I waited patiently for the issue to download, thinking downloading would solve the blur problem (after having tried the online version), but no luck. Still frustrating. Heck, a simple color PDF would be better. Good thing this is free, its going bye-bye for now. (if I was an advertiser paying big $$ for a gorgeous spread in a glossy high-end magazine, I would certainly not ever want my product portrayed like this)
urbansync about Hawai'i